How exciting, it's been a while since I have received an award! Thank you so much
Su for nominating me!
Here's how the award works. The rules are simple:
1. One must accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award
4. Paste the award on your blog
5. Write 10 things about yourself that others might not know
6. Pass the award on to 10 othersNow let me think, 10 things you might not know about me.
1. I was born in Malta.
2. My name is Melita Carol. The meaning of Melita is Sweet Honey which could be why I love anything stitched with bees!
3. I'm a little shorty - only 5'1".
4. I LOVE chocolate, but since the big binge last Christmas I'm just allowing myself the occasional treat - we'll see how long that lasts!
5. I have two grown up sons that no longer live at home. My eldest Jason lives in London and Matthew is living in Brighton while studying at Brighton University.
6. I don't see my Dad very often as he emigrated to South Africa 30 years ago.
7. DH Colin works overseas so I spend a lot of time at home alone.
8. I'm a real home bird. I love being at home and enjoy my own company.
9. I'm very house proud and would probably get a lot more stitching done if I spent less time pottering around the house looking for jobs that could be left for another time!
10. As well as stitching I can also knit and crochet. At the age of 8 (maybe even younger) I would knit clothes for my Sindy.Here we go, this is the hard bit, having to pass the award on to just 10 beautiful blogs when there are so many more that I think also deserve it!
MumSarahSallyJulieAndreaLynn BMargaretValieOlenkaMary Kathryn