It's been ages, well years, since I've mounted a finish into a greetings card, but this was a must do for my daughter-in-law Nic's birthday. A few years ago Nic celebrated her 30th, with a 1920s themed party, so when I saw this (which I think was a year or so ago now, in issue 71 of the Cross Stitch Card Shop magazine), I had to buy it, knowing she would love it! This is just one of six designs by Lesley Teare from the magazine - I'm sure I'll be stitching one or two more for Nic in the future, even though I did find the fractional stitches a bit trying - I really do hate them!
Well, I don't know where the time goes, but I'm back again here in a very hot Dubai, but keeping a lot cooler indoors with the AC then I was at home in the UK! I was home for almost six weeks, and spent lots of lovely time with my Mum, and seeing my sister Sarah. We didn't get to see a lot of Jason and Matthew, due to them both being very busy with work and other commitments, but had a great time when we did get together, and we'll be seeing them again very soon, because they're both, with Nic, coming out to stay in October. We're all very excited and can't wait, we’re going to have so much fun!
I’m just about caught up with housework now, and looking forward to catching up with my stitching! There was a fair bit more dust here then I was expecting to find on my return, mostly due I think to having to keep the AC on so that the villa kept cool for the two weeks that Colin was back in the UK with me. It's surprising how dusty it gets when you’re not here to keep on top of it, quite a contrast to what I found when I returned home after being away for six months, but then I suppose I am living in a bit of a sandpit!
I'm really hoping to be blogging again soon with another little finish. I have plenty of stitched pieces just waiting to be made up, some still waiting from way back, so perhaps I might just dig one or two of those out, and do a really quick finish with them!
Bye for now, hope to be back soon, and thank you for stopping by! :o)