This past week I've received some lovely new additions to my stash. My favourite though has got to be A Mon Ami Pierre's 'Victoria's Quaker'. I haven't got the Victoria Clayton silks I need for it yet but once I do I can't see it being too long before I'll want to make a start on it. The pinkeep is just gorgeous so I think I shall have to start this first! Little House Needleworks' 'Summer Silk Sampler' isn't in the picture because it's still in the post but it shouldn't be too long before I'll be adding this to my stash too!
Yes, that is another Whitman's tin you can see...lol! I really have Katrina to thank that I have this one! I haven't recently been checking Hanging By A Thread's 'What's New' page and could have missed this one if Katrina hadn't let me know they were there. Thank you so much Katrina! :o) I now only have the Sampler and Bronze Griffin tins to find to complete my collection for the sewing set charts by Fancy Work. I think these two are going take a little longer to find, especially the Griffin which I've never even seen yet!
Before I forget I must let Nicole know (hope you get to see this Nicole) that the fabric I used for 'A Place We Call Home' was the listed 28ct Country French Latte.